I have too many _______, and not enough ________

We come back to this question every few months here on YLF . I'm wondering where everyone is at right now.

I have too many _______, and not enough ________

I'll start

I have too many ___BOOTS___, and not enough ___BOOTS____.

It's a capsule that I can never seem to fill. I wear boots 9 months out of the year. Every time I think I have enough boots for the boot apocalypse, I find another hole in my boot wardrobe.

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  • Mo replied 12 years ago

    I have too many ___summer tanks___ and not enough ____warm tops____ for the coming Tahoe winter.

  • Suz replied 12 years ago

    I have too many JEANS and not enough JEANS.

    There are a couple of pairs that I'm not wearing at all (straight legs and Long and Lean). And in the meantime, I still want a coloured pair and a patterned pair.

  • replied 12 years ago

    I have too many dressy clothes and not enough casual clothes!

  • Janet replied 12 years ago


    Too many shoes and not enough closet space!
    Too many accessories and not enough days in the week to wear all my fab stuff.

    I think I'm finally going to call a closet company this coming week to come help us redo our closet. My husband is fed up with how hard our space is to work with, too.

  • modgrl replied 12 years ago

    Janet, I am totally with you on the closet issue!

    I have a tiny house with a very small walk in that I share with hubby.

    I don't think I have too many clothes considering our 4 season climate - but I am out of space!!

  • Anne Boleyn replied 12 years ago

    I have too many ... and not enough shoes!

    My wardrobe is too small for there to be too much of anything... I need a pair of real winter shoes though.

  • Angie replied 12 years ago

    I have too much stuff on my Autumn & Winter 2012 wish list (it's been the BEST SEASON in a LONG time), and not enough time to browse the shops for my own stye.

  • MsMary replied 12 years ago

    Honestly, I have too many fab clothes and not enough days in the week/month/year to wear them all!

  • annagybe replied 12 years ago

    Too many shoes and not enough time to wear them.

  • qfbrenda replied 12 years ago

    I have too many bootcuts and not enough skinnies.

    I tried to fix this by altering a couple pairs of bootcuts with mixed success. One of the bootcuts is now worthless because the knees are way too baggy. :( I'm planning on getting another pair of dark blue skinnies before the end of the winter.

  • Nicole D replied 12 years ago

    Too many clothing items in all categories and not enough really good foundation garments. So I am probably doing a disservice to all my lovely clothing items. But underwear shopping is boring and frustrating.

  • Raisin replied 12 years ago

    I have too many wardrobe holes right now, and not enough money to fill them all with pieces I really want!! Lol, it's a slow work in progress though, like it should be.

  • replied 12 years ago

    Too many black boots and not enough black boots.
    I swear, I keep on telling myself that I'm not longer buying black boots, until I realize I don't have the RIGHT black boots for a specific item. I must have at least 6 pairs, all different styles and I'm still looking for the perfect riding boot.

  • Laura (rhubarbgirl) replied 12 years ago

    I was just thinking about this last night as I swapped out the last of the early-fall pieces for winter stuff - I've got way too many corduroy pants. Not sure what I don't have enough of, but I still don't have a decent four-season button-front white shirt, despite looking for several years for it (I've got a linen version which works for the warmer months).

    Oh yeah, I've also got way too many layering tees for winter - one in each color of the rainbow plus a couple each in black white and cream, it seems like!

  • lyn* replied 12 years ago

    I have too many ___dresses_____ and not enough ____dresses___ :| if they're the only thing I wear.

    I might have to branch off into skirt though.

  • Isabel replied 12 years ago

    In all seriousness, I have too many clothes and not enough days when I leave the house ( besides the bus stop at the bottom of the driveway ) : (

    I also have too agree with the space thing..mine is really storage space. But I look at it in reverse...I too little space for my fab bags, which is all YLFs fault, btw. LOL

    I have to say that thought of having too many boots/jeans but not enough boots/jeans is really striking. What a way to think of it. Too many of something but not enough useful something....very interesting.

  • Girl X replied 12 years ago

    I have too many amazing clothes and not nearly enough reasons to leave the house.

  • Mander replied 12 years ago

    I am also suffering mainly from too many clothes and not enough reasons to leave the house.

    I could also add too many interesting items and not enough clarity on what kind of style I am actually trying to achieve.

  • replied 12 years ago

    I have too many choices out there for fall/winter clothing and not enough choices for spring/summer clothing, which is my dominant season. Ugh. I will have to exercise great restraint this season.

  • merwoman replied 12 years ago

    Hmmm - I'm having a hard time thinking of what I have too much of - I think I need it all! But I definitely need more boots and booties - serious hole in my wardrobe for winter footwear.

  • Kristin L replied 12 years ago

    Mine's the same as Mo's. I have too many __summer tops__ and not enough __winter tops__.

  • Mo replied 12 years ago

    Maybe Kristin and I need to do a swap with Claire! :)

  • rholmes27 replied 12 years ago

    Exactly what Clearly Claire said!

  • DonnaF replied 12 years ago

    I have too many WANTS and not enough $$$!

  • catgirl replied 12 years ago

    We've done this before, and I think my answer is always the same. Though yours could be mine as well (BOOTS!).

    I have too many jackets and not enough tops to wear under them.

  • Deborah replied 12 years ago

    Ok I have too many clothes to possibly rotate everything regularly but/and not enough tops!

    I also relate to what DonnaF said lol

  • Rabbit Heart replied 12 years ago

    I have too many trendy pieces and not enough quality, timeless wardrobe staples (not enough meaning very close to zero). I just can't bring myself to spend a lot of money on one thing when I know I can get four or five things for the same price. That's why I whine every winter when my new boots come apart after a month or when I have to wear two sweaters because my winter coat contains only 10 % of wool (true story).

  • Lyn D. replied 12 years ago

    Oh, fun to read!
    I have too many long-sleeved layering tees and not enough closet space.

  • anne replied 12 years ago

    I have too many clothes that are a bit shabby and not enough time/ money/ items on my 12for 12 plan to replace them.

    My children have way too many clothes and lack ironed, stain-free clothes and unscruffy shoes!

  • Lisa replied 12 years ago

    I have too many ___blue jeans___ and not enough ___colored bottoms___. I wear jeans almost everyday. And except for one pair, it's always blue. I have one green pair and they are so refreshing to wear. I'm on the lookout for more colored bottoms that are not blue.

  • Mo replied 12 years ago

    Lisa, I have 15 or so pants/jeans/cords/trousers, what have you, and only 4 pair are blue jeans. Do go for color - you'll love how it changes things while still being in a silhouette that's comfortable to you!

  • rute replied 12 years ago

    I have too many colored skinnies / bags and not enough shoes!
    I don't know why but I have lots of shoes but It always seems to be missing a certain type of shoes or boots!

  • Carole replied 12 years ago

    I have too many jackets and not enough jackets! How is that possible? But living in the Pacific NW you really can't have too many jackets, it's really just like another top. I find myself wanting more blazers as well a statement type coat, and all the fun sweater coats I see are making me think I need one of those, too. But I have too many coats I just don't wear that often, a few trench coats, and shorter jackets that just seem, well, too short right now.

  • milehighstyle (Linda) replied 12 years ago

    I have too much workwear and super casual wear and not enough slightly dressy, date night or girls' night kind of clothing.

  • replied 12 years ago

    I have plenty of Summer clothes and not enough Winter clothes, though I do a lot of layering and seem to be okay most days of the year. The really cold days get me, though. I need a few super warm items in my closet.

  • HelenInCanada replied 12 years ago

    Too many black pants/jeans, not enough well-fitted tops. Too many pairs of earrings, not enough dress shoes. Good thing the one pair of lovely black booties I own now are in great condition and can take me anywhere!

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